Unleash Your Potential : Conquer the MPPSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 with Power and Precision

MPPSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 syllabus for the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) examination may vary from year to year. However, I can provide you with a general overview of the syllabus for the MPPSC exam. Please note that it is always recommended to refer to the official MPPSC website or the latest notification for the most accurate and up-to-date information. Here is a broad outline of the syllabus

MPPSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023

1.Preliminary Examination

General Science and Environment

– Laws of motion
– Gravitation
– Thermodynamics
– Optics
– Electricity and magnetism
– Atomic and nuclear physics

2. Chemistry:
– Atomic structure and periodic table
– Chemical bonding and molecular structure
– States of matter
– Acids, bases, and salts
– Organic chemistry
– Environmental chemistry

3. Biology:
– Cell structure and function
– Genetics and evolution
– Human physiology
– Plant and animal kingdom classification
– Ecology and environment
– Biotechnology and its applications

4. Environmental Science:
– Environmental pollution and its types
– Climate change and global warming
– Biodiversity and conservation
– Environmental laws and policies
– Sustainable development
– Renewable and non-renewable energy sources

Current Events of National and International Importance

1. National Events:
– Government policies and initiatives
– Major political developments
– Economic developments and reforms
– Social and cultural issues
– Science and technology advancements
– Sports and achievements
– Awards and honors
– Important court judgments

2. International Events:
– Global political developments
– International relations and diplomacy
– International organizations and their initiatives
– Global economic trends and trade agreements
– Environmental issues and agreements
– Conflicts and peace initiatives
– Scientific and technological advancements
– Major international summits and conferences

History of India and Independent India

1. Ancient India:
– Indus Valley Civilization
– Vedic period and early kingdoms
– Mauryan Empire
– Gupta Empire
– Post-Gupta period and regional kingdoms
– Ancient Indian art, architecture, and literature

2. Medieval India:
– Delhi Sultanate
– Mughal Empire
– Vijayanagara and Bahmani Kingdoms
– Maratha Empire
– Sufism and Bhakti movement
– Medieval Indian art, architecture, and literature

3. Modern India:
– Advent of European powers in India
– British East India Company and British Raj
– Indian National Movement
– Revolt of 1857
– Partition of Bengal
– Non-cooperation movement
– Civil Disobedience movement
– Quit India movement
– Independence and the formation of the Indian Republic

Geography of India

1. Physical Geography:
– Location, extent, and boundaries of India
– Major physical features: mountains, plateaus, plains, and rivers
– Climate and weather patterns
– Natural resources: minerals, water, forests, and wildlife
– Soils and agriculture
– Natural hazards: earthquakes, cyclones, floods, etc.

2. Economic Geography:
– Agriculture: major crops, cropping patterns, irrigation, and agricultural practices
– Industries: major industrial regions, types of industries, and their distribution
– Transport and communication networks
– Trade and commerce: major ports, trade routes, and international trade
– Energy resources: coal, petroleum, natural gas, and renewable energy sources
– Environmental issues and conservation

3. Social Geography:
– Population distribution and density
– Urbanization and urban development
– Rural-urban migration
– Regional disparities and development initiatives
– Cultural diversity and regional identities
– Tourism and its significance

Indian Polity and Governance

1. Constitution of India:
– Preamble, fundamental rights, and duties
– Directive principles of state policy
– Fundamental duties
– Constitutional amendments
– Constitutional bodies: President, Vice President, Prime Minister, etc.
– Parliament: Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, and their functions
– Judiciary: Supreme Court, High Courts, and their powers

2. Indian Political System:
– Federalism and center-state relations
– State government: Governor, Chief Minister, and Council of Ministers
– Local government: Panchayati Raj institutions and urban local bodies
– Electoral system: Election Commission, voting process, and political parties
– Public administration and bureaucracy
– Public policy and implementation

3. Governance and Public Policies:
– Good governance and transparency
– Right to Information Act
– Anti-corruption measures and institutions
– Welfare schemes and social justice initiatives
– Public service delivery mechanisms
– Role of civil society and NGOs

Economic and Social Development

1. Economic Development:
– Economic planning in India
– Five-Year Plans and their objectives
– Economic reforms and liberalization
– Agriculture and rural development
– Industrial development and policies
– Infrastructure development
– Foreign trade and investment
– Monetary and fiscal policies
– Financial institutions and markets

2. Social Development:
– Poverty and inequality
– Social welfare schemes and programs
– Education and literacy rates
– Health and sanitation
– Gender issues and women empowerment
– Child rights and protection
– Social justice and affirmative action
– Human development indices
– Sustainable development goals

3. Demographic and Human Resource Development:
– Population trends and dynamics
– Migration and urbanization
– Employment and unemployment
– Skill development and vocational training
– Human resource development policies
– Social security and welfare measures

General Issues of Madhya Pradesh

1. Geography and Natural Resources:
– Geographical features and physical divisions of Madhya Pradesh
– Major rivers, lakes, and dams in the state
– Forests and wildlife of Madhya Pradesh
– Mineral resources and mining activities

2. History and Culture:
– Historical significance of Madhya Pradesh
– Major historical events and rulers of the region
– Cultural heritage and traditions of Madhya Pradesh
– Famous monuments, temples, and archaeological sites

3. Economy and Agriculture:
– Economic sectors and industries in Madhya Pradesh
– Agriculture and allied activities
– Irrigation and water management
– Industrial development and investment opportunities
– Infrastructure development in the state

4. Governance and Administration:
– State government structure and functions
– Administrative divisions and districts of Madhya Pradesh
– Public welfare schemes and initiatives in the state
– Local governance and Panchayati Raj institutions
– Major government policies and programs in Madhya Pradesh

5. Current Affairs and Issues:
– Recent developments and issues in Madhya Pradesh
– Government initiatives and projects
– Social, economic, and environmental challenges in the state
– Important events and festivals in Madhya Pradesh

Indian National Movement

1. Early Nationalism:
– Socio-religious reform movements
– Rise of Indian nationalism
– Formation of Indian National Congress
– Moderates and Extremists in the Congress
– Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi movement

2. Gandhian Era:
– Mahatma Gandhi and his ideologies
– Non-cooperation movement
– Civil Disobedience movement
– Quit India movement
– Salt Satyagraha and Dandi March

3. Revolutionary Movements:
– Revolutionary organizations and leaders
– Bengal revolutionaries and the Kakori Conspiracy
– Ghadar Party and Hindustan Socialist Republican Association
– Role of revolutionaries in the freedom struggle

4. Other Movements and Leaders:
– Role of women in the freedom struggle
– Role of youth and students
– Tribal and peasant movements
– Contributions of leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Bhagat Singh, and others

5. Post-Independence:
– Integration of princely states
– Constitution-making process
– Challenges and achievements in the early years of independence

General Mental Ability

1. Verbal Reasoning:
– Analogies
– Classification
– Series completion
– Coding and decoding
– Blood relations
– Direction sense
– Logical deductions

2. Non-Verbal Reasoning:
– Pattern recognition
– Series completion
– Figure classification
– Spatial visualization
– Mirror images
– Paper folding and cutting
– Embedded figures

3. Numerical Ability:
– Number series
– Simplification
– Percentage
– Ratio and proportion
– Profit and loss
– Time and work
– Time, speed, and distance
– Data interpretation

4. Logical and Analytical Reasoning:
– Syllogism
– Statement and assumptions
– Statement and arguments
– Cause and effect
– Logical puzzles
– Critical reasoning
– Data sufficiency

Main Examination

The General Studies Paper I in the MPPSC exam covers a wide range of topics including History and Culture, Geography, Water Management, Disaster and its Management, and Science & Technology. Here is a breakdown of these topics:

General Studies Paper I: History and Culture, Geography, Water Management, Disaster and its Management, and Science & Technology

1. History and Culture:
– Ancient, Medieval, and Modern Indian history
– Art and architecture of different periods
– Cultural heritage and traditions of India
– Freedom struggle and contributions of key leaders

2. Geography:
– Physical geography of India and the world
– Geographical features, rivers, mountains, and plateaus
– Climate and weather patterns
– Natural resources and their distribution
– Environmental issues and conservation

3. Water Management:
– Water resources and their management
– Irrigation systems and techniques
– Water conservation and rainwater harvesting
– Water pollution and its control
– Government initiatives for water management

4. Disaster and its Management:
– Types of disasters (natural and man-made)
– Disaster management cycle (mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery)
– Disaster management agencies and policies in India
– Role of technology in disaster management
– Case studies of major disasters and their management

5. Science & Technology:
– Recent developments in science and technology
– Space technology and applications
– Information technology and communication
– Biotechnology and its applications
– Environmental science and sustainable technologies

General Studies Paper II: Indian Polity, Social Justice and International Relations, Indian Economy, and Sustainable Development

1. Indian Polity:
– Constitution of India and its salient features
– Fundamental rights and duties
– Structure and functions of the executive, legislature, and judiciary
– Constitutional bodies and their roles
– Center-state relations and federalism
– Election process and electoral reforms
– Public administration and governance

2. Social Justice and International Relations:
– Social issues and challenges in India
– Social welfare schemes and policies
– Rights of marginalized sections (SCs, STs, OBCs, women, etc.)
– International relations and India’s foreign policy
– India’s relations with neighboring countries and major world powers
– International organizations and their roles
– Global challenges and cooperation

3. Indian Economy:
– Basic concepts of economics
– Economic planning and development in India
– Major sectors of the Indian economy (agriculture, industry, services)
– Government policies and initiatives for economic growth
– Banking and financial institutions
– Taxation and fiscal policies
– Inflation, unemployment, and poverty

4. Sustainable Development:
– Concepts and principles of sustainable development
– Environmental issues and conservation
– Climate change and its impact
– Renewable energy sources and their promotion
– Sustainable agriculture and rural development
– Conservation of biodiversity and natural resources
– Government initiatives for sustainable development

General Studies Paper III: Science, Technology, and Environment, Energy, and Environment, and Information and Communication Technology

1. Science, Technology, and Environment:
– Recent developments in science and technology
– Applications of science and technology in various fields
– Environmental issues and conservation
– Climate change and its impact
– Biodiversity and conservation
– Pollution control and management
– Disaster management and mitigation

2. Energy and Environment:
– Energy resources and their types (conventional and renewable)
– Energy conservation and efficiency
– Environmental impact of energy production and consumption
– Government policies and initiatives for sustainable energy
– Climate change and its relation to energy use
– Green technologies and sustainable practices

3. Information and Communication Technology:
– Basics of information technology and computer science
– Internet and its applications
– E-governance and digital initiatives
– Cybersecurity and data protection
– Role of information technology in various sectors (education, healthcare, governance, etc.)
– Artificial intelligence and machine learning

General Studies Paper IV: Human Resource Development, Energy Resources, and Industries, Planning and Evaluation, and Administrative Structure of Madhya Pradesh

1. Human Resource Development:
– Education system in India
– Skill development and vocational training
– Employment and unemployment issues
– Women empowerment and gender issues
– Social welfare schemes for human resource development
– Health and … sanitation

2. Energy Resources and Industries:
– Energy resources and their types (conventional and renewable)
– Energy production and consumption in India
– Major industries in Madhya Pradesh
– Industrial development and policies
– Industrial infrastructure and investment opportunities
– Government initiatives for promoting industries

3. Planning and Evaluation:
– Economic planning and development in India
– Five-Year Plans and their objectives
– Planning Commission and NITI Aayog
– Evaluation of government programs and policies
– Monitoring and assessment of development projects
– Role of data and statistics in planning and evaluation

4. Administrative Structure of Madhya Pradesh:
– State government structure and functions
– Administrative divisions and districts of Madhya Pradesh
– Local governance and Panchayati Raj institutions
– Public welfare schemes and initiatives in Madhya Pradesh
– Government policies and programs in Madhya Pradesh
– Role of civil services in administration

General Hindi

1. Grammar:
– Parts of speech (noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, etc.)
– Tenses (present, past, future)
– … – Synonyms and antonyms
– Idioms and phrases
– One-word substitutions
– Fill in the blanks
– Sentence correction

3. Comprehension:
– Reading comprehension passages
– Understanding and answering questions based on the passages

4. Writing Skills:
– Essay writing
– Letter writing (formal and informal)
– Precis writing
– Paragraph writing

Essay Writing

Essay writing is a skill that requires practice and mastery. It involves expressing your thoughts, ideas, and arguments in a structured and coherent manner. Here are some key steps to help you improve your essay writing:

1. Understand the topic: Read the essay prompt carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked. Identify the key points or arguments that need to be addressed in your essay.

2. Plan your essay: Before you start writing, create an outline or a rough structure of your essay. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas.

3. Introduction: Begin your essay with a strong and engaging introduction. It should grab the reader’s attention and provide a clear thesis statement or main argument of your essay.

4. Body paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on a specific point or argument related to the topic. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea, provide supporting evidence or examples, and explain how they relate to your thesis statement.

5. Use clear and concise language: Write in a clear and concise manner, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex sentences. Use simple language that is easy to understand and convey your ideas effectively.

6. Provide evidence and examples: Support your arguments with relevant evidence, facts, and examples. This will make your essay more persuasive and credible.

7. Counterarguments: Address counterarguments or opposing viewpoints in your essay. Acknowledge and refute them with strong evidence and reasoning.

8. Conclusion: Summarize your main points and restate your thesis statement in the conclusion. End your essay with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

9. Proofread and edit: After completing your essay, take the time to proofread and edit it for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Make sure your essay is well-structured and coherent.

10. Practice writing essays: The more you practice writing essays, the better you will become. Set aside time to practice writing on different topics and seek feedback from others to improve your skills.

Remember, essay writing is a process that requires time and effort. By following these steps and practicing regularly, you can improve your essay writing abilities and excel in your writing tasks.

MPPSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 

The MPPSC 2023 Exam will be conducted in three stages. The MPPSC Exam Pattern for all three stages is in the table below:

Exam Name Type of the Exam/Duration Marks
MPPSC Prelims Exam General Studies-Objective (2 Hours)

General Aptitude Test- Objective (2 Hours)



MPPSC Mains Exam General Studies-I (3 hours)

General Studies-II (3 hours)

General Studies-III (3 hours)

General Studies-IV (3 hours)

Hindi (3 Hours)

Hindi Essay (2 hours)







MPPSC Interview Personality Test 175

MPPSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs

1. What is MPPCS?
Ans MPPCS stands for Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission. It is the state-level civil services examination conducted by the Madhya Pradesh government to recruit candidates for various administrative positions in the state.

2. What is the eligibility criteria for MPPCS 2023?
Ans To be eligible for MPPCS 2023, candidates must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. The age limit for general category candidates is usually between 21 and 40 years, with some relaxation for reserved categories.

3. How can I apply for MPPCS 2023?
Ans To apply for MPPCS 2023, you need to visit the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission. The commission releases a notification with detailed instructions and an online application form. Follow the instructions, fill in the required details, and submit the application form online.

4. What is the exam pattern for MPPCS 2023?
Ans The MPPCS exam consists of three stages: the Preliminary Examination, the Main Examination, and the Interview. The Preliminary Examination is an objective-type test, while the Main Examination is a descriptive test. The interview is conducted to assess the candidate’s personality and suitability for administrative positions.

5. What are the subjects included in the MPPCS syllabus?
Ans The MPPCS syllabus covers a wide range of subjects, including General Studies, General Knowledge, History, Geography, Indian Polity, Indian Economy, Science and Technology, Environment, and Current Affairs. There are also optional subjects that candidates can choose based on their interests and expertise.

6. How can I prepare for MPPCS 2023?
Ans To prepare for MPPCS 2023, you should start by understanding the exam pattern and syllabus. Create a study plan, gather relevant study materials, and practice previous years’ question papers. It is also advisable to join coaching institutes or online platforms that offer guidance and mock tests for MPPCS preparation.

7. When will MPPCS 2023 be conducted?
Ans The exact date for MPPCS 2023 has not been announced yet. It is advisable to regularly check the official website of the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission for updates and notifications regarding the examination schedule.

Remember, these are general FAQs, and it is always recommended to refer to the official website or contact the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding MPPCS 2023.

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